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1944 – February 11

First meeting held at Baxter Public Hall. 30 members present.

Mr H Lee elected Captain. Membership fee 1/6.

Mt Eliza FB donated 25/- as well as 5 knapsacks.


1944 – February 25

Six cross roads was the meeting place in the event of a fire.


1944 – April

A dance was conducted on 25th March to raise funds profit

32-13-3.Funds raised purchased 25 knapsacks. Another 3

knapsacks were purchased from government grant along with

12 beaters and an axe.


1945 – March

Purchase of fire fighting unit consisting of a low down hand pump on skids with a 120 gallon tank along with 24ft suction hose & 60ft delivery hose.


1945 – June

Mr W.Glover made avail ground 30’ x 30’ for fire station. Documents signed re lease of land 2 Jul’45 – land was later purchase 1949 –site of present station
Fire bell for proposed station purchased.


1945 – October

67 members, 1 call for the year. Bank balance 85-18-9
Brigade building , with 70pounds from government grant, size 30’ X 20’, walls be of cement sheets 9ft in height & roof of corrugated iron, be built as soon as possible
Another 60’ hose, Y coupling & 1’’ stop clock be purchased.
A one off community dance competition held to raise funds – MC & judged by members of the Baxter Fire Brigade.
Brigade annual ball was conducted-these continued for many years


1945 – November

Bell tower purchased cost 30/-


1946 – January

Mr W.Glover paid 1/- per mile for use of his dodge truck for calls to fires. Country fire Authority approached re purchase of suitable lamp (Tilley lamp for preference) for use at the fire station.


1946 – October

CFA approached re insurance for member’s cars attending fires.
For members offering their vehicles for use at fires, a 5 gallon petrol ticket was supplied.



1946 – 27 November

First meeting held in brigade building.



1947 – November

Equipment on hand include– 33 knapsacks, 5 buckets, 2 hand pumps(1 partially assembled), 2 coils hose 3⁄4 in x 120 ft, 1 20ft length suction hose, 1 100gallon,1 120 gallon with stand pump, 9 beaters.


1948 – January

Electric light installed in brigade building 2 lights, 1 power point inside & 1 Outside.


1950 – January

A new 16inc bell was erected on tower


1950 – January

Boundaries approved.
Moorooduc rail crossing along Three Chain road to Golflinks rd along Robinson rd to west road along west road to junction of Larnach road hence as the bird fly’s to Moorooduc rail crossing.
New Austin fire fighting power unit delivered on 14/2/50, truck no MG 672
Mileage 4100 – social held in Baxter hall to celebrate the occasion.


1950 – March

The old fire bell affixed to fire truck.


1950 – May

Brigade meets 1st Thursday in each month with practise held following Sunday.


1951 – August

Request was made to get hydrant plug at 6 cross roads to facilitate filling of fire truck


1957 – January

Radio obtained –Baxter call sign VL 30 F 10


1959 – February

Siren purchased for use as a fire waring alarm.


1961 – October

12 Fibreglass helmets purchased.


1962 – January

Live reel for the truck obtained, financed by Mr T.Borthwick.


1962 – September

Baxter joins two bays group of fire brigades


1963 – October

Flashing light obtained for vehicle


1964 – October

8 pairs white overalls purchased


1965 – April

Sliding door for fire station erected.


1966 – September

Accommodation for fire truck required so that present building could be used for social purposes

1968 – March

Baxter joins Western Port Group


1968 – May

VHF radio purchased


1969 – April

Proposal for brick building


1970 – January

CFA be asked to take over the brigade


1972 – January

Look into telephone interceptors


1973 – February

Six helmets purchased


1973 – April

Old station demolished to make way for new station


1973 – November

First meeting held in brick station


1974 – April

Station officially opened by Chief Officer A.Pitfield.


1978 – January

Brigade attended channel 0 studios and participated in “Almost anything goes”. (Finished last).


1978 – November

Kombi Van purchased from Frankston FB


1979 – May

New siren installed


1981 – April

Brigade has 63 registered members 67 turnouts for past year


1982 – January

Acco 1710 B delivered

1982 – May

Turn out coats & Boots (10) purchased from MFB


1982 – September

15 CFA type overalls purchased.


1982 – November

Brigade shields for brigade service introduced.


1983 – February

Brigade members attended Ash Wednesday fire


1983 – April

2 X scanners donated to brigade after ash weds fires by Baxter Technical School.


1983 – October

Fire Monitor purchased & fitted on vehicle


1984 – April

Celebrations held for 40th anniversary of brigade


1984 – May

2 Breathing Apparatus (BA) sets allocated to brigade – first rural brigade to be issued.


1985 – February
E1800 Mazda Deluxe proposed – door knock arranged to raise funds.


1985 – October

Proposal to extend brick station to level of truck bay.


1986 – December

Pagers introduced


1988 – February

Building committee formed to extend station


1989 – January

UHF radios fitted to vehicles


1989 – April

Fireman of the year awarded for the first time


1990 – November

CFA supplied 5 new helmets- very heavy 800 gms-1.1kg.


1991 – January

Trailer pump arrived. Engine bay floor sealed.


1991 – 19 May

Station extension officially opened by ACO B.Dobson


1991 – August

Position of brigade president discontinued.


1991 – November

New BA sets obtained from CFA.

Old Fire Truck
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